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Blog / Weekly Update #5: Talk to Generated Images in AI Lover, DOLUS Release, Supercharged Servers and more! Weekly Update #5: Talk to Generated Images in AI Lover, DOLUS Release, Supercharged Servers and more! 06 Nov, 2023

Have you ever pondered on the idea of conversing with the images you create? Imagine if every piece of artwork you generate had a unique personality, a name, and its own backstory. It's no longer just a pipe dream – that's precisely what we've been busy developing! And a little heads up for those adult content creators out there, we've got some thrilling news to share as well!

Create your own image

Good news for adult models - you can now retire! Just joking, but only partially because we've launched a new tool that's set to transform how adult content is created. Not just that, we've also upgraded our AI Lover, making it even more appealing. Now it supports interactions with user-generated images via our Image Generation service. We've supercharged our servers too to continue providing the top-tier quality and speed we're known for. Behind the scenes, this week's update focused primarily on the technical aspects of our servers, ensuring they run smoother and faster than ever before. This means you, our users, should notice a considerable improvement in your overall experience. Additionally, we've added new tags to select from in our Image Generation service, and we aim to keep expanding these on a weekly basis. It's all about giving you the most diverse and personalised user experience possible, right down to your smallest preferences. Stay tuned though, because a major new update is on its way, set to enhance this feature even more.

We've been tirelessly working to improve AI Lover, and we're proud to say that we've accomplished that goal yet again. The idea of enhancing our platform has been marinating in our minds for a while, and we feel it's time to bring it to fruition. In this update, we've executed precisely what we envisioned. Guess what? You can now communicate with images produced by our image generator! Surprising, isn't it? However, it is not the only upgrade that we have implemented today. Additionally, we have put in a lot of effort to improve the functionality of the website in order to make it more user-friendly. In addition, we have incorporated brand-new features and tools, such as DOLUS, which is a novel concept that was developed especially for those who create adult material. Stay tuned, as we will be providing more information on this fascinating new feature throughout a short while. In conclusion, fasten your seatbelts because we are going to go into extensive detail on the nature of these changes and the ways in which you stand to gain from them. As is our custom, we have opted to use straightforward and conversational language for the sake of your convenience. Let's look into this together, shall we?

🎭 DOLUS - Make new adult content in one click

Hey adult content creators, keep your phones handy, we’ve got something that'll rock your world – and your workflow. Introducing Dolus — Your new best friend, the secret weapon that will make your life a whole lot easier. Designed with models in mind, Dolus is the genie in your bottle, especially for those who find themselves in a pinch when charged with creating certain niche content types. Forget about declining the "cringe-worthy" requests, we've got your back! All you've got to do is shoot that cheeky instruction to our savvy AI, throw in a sultry snapshot, and here you go! Sit back, relax and wait for the magic to happen. We're talking sizzling hot scenes made to measure – each one fine-tailored to fulfill your subscriber’s naughty little wishes with a single-click ease. Say goodbye to the painful moments of creating awkward scenes and enter into a stress-free universe where the only tools you need are a mouse, an internet connection, a sprinkle of information, a steaming cup of joe, and a simple two minutes of your day. What happens next? Out pop the image and video, hotter than a summer in the Sahara. Dive deeper into Dolus with our upcoming article and fill out an application for premier access before the official release. The launch clock is ticking, so don't wait around – step into the future of adult content creation now!

Create her

Hey there AI Lovers! Our latest update just merged the image generation and chat service. Now you can gossip with the very same photorealistic woman you've just generated! She'll even share more of her photos during your chat...if you ask nicely. Presently, we're only dishing out AI girlfriends, but we're working our code off to bring you AI guys soon! We're working diligently to overcome this and look forward to introducing AI boyfriends very soon. All the features you love in AI Lover chat are also available in these types of conversations so don't fret, there are no technical restrictions whatsoever. We've also made server improvements that boost our AI Lover's conversation response time significantly. The AI messages are handled much quicker now, offering you a smoother, more enjoyable experience. Our annoying 'not sent, retry' error is now a thing of the past. Cheers to that! This was a pesky glitch, much like its evil cousin 'something went wrong error', that used to trouble our website users while using Image Generation and Undresser services. Thankfully, we've purged this problem fully and our services run much smoother. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Talk with her in AI Lover

Supercharged servers

Feel the speed

Buckle up, buddies! We just turbo-boosted our servers all the way to the moon! You heard right, we've sent our servers moon-bound! Why? Not cause it's an easy feat, but precisely because it's tough – throwing us a perfect curveball to hit. It lets us serve up the best user experience possible, sticking to our all-time mantra of providing the absolute best and giving our maximum, without breaking your bank. Only here at Pornify do you get the luxury of generating infinite content using our services - we're not big on boundaries, nor do we plan on installing any speed bumps on your user journey. For us, user satisfaction is the real MVP – it’s the engine that keeps Pornify racing ahead of the competition. We've ticked off some bug repairs on our to-do list and even refurbished the client-side interface – all in the name of slick, seamless user experience. We're all about upgrading your time on our platform, always striving to top-up already high standards, giving a whole new meaning to ‘better than before’. So, that's the story folks! With these updates, we're over the moon (quite literally). Now, slide into your comfy chair and experience the might of our moon-landed servers. Happy using!

Discover new

Alright, folks! Gear up for an exciting update. Our Image Generator service just leveled up with some savvy new tags—these aren’t your average, run-of-the-mill kind of tags. We’ve been working our socks off to revamp these little fellas so they can serve you even better. Now, they work like a charm, delivering bang-on representations of your initial requests. But hold onto your hats, this is only the beginning! Over the next few weeks, we'll be rolling out even more tags that cater to your distinctive tastes, preferences, and, ahem, fetishes. So, whether you're into classic romance or have a thing for aliens playing ping pong (no judgment here), our Image Generator experience is set to become broader, unique, and a whole lot of fun! Basically, we've been playing fairy godmother here, working to make sure your Image Generator wishes come true. So, if you have any special tag requests or feedback, hit us with them! Your ideas and input are our secret sauce, our not-so-secret weapon. So remember, your voice matters. If a tag to represent ‘unicorn disco parties under a rainbow' is what you need, you got it! Fire away your requests and let us know how we can bring your image generation dreams to life. Your wish is our command!

New tags

Alright, that's a wrap for this week! We've been burning the midnight oil, grappling with those pesky puncts. Despite all the words and sentences seeming like a jigsaw puzzle, we dedicated our time and energies most especially to our two prioritized projects - DOLUS and AI Lover. I mean, imagine trying to train an AI to be a hopeless romantic or pulling the strings behind the elusive DOLUS! It's been one heck of a roller-coaster ride!! As always, we're all ears for your feedback - the good, the bad and the cringe-worthy! Trust us, we're more excited than a kid in a candy store to show you what's cooking in our creative kitchen for the next week. So till then, keep your cool, be the goody two shoes you always are, and don't let those puncts get away with any mischief. Catch you on the flip side, guys!

So, that's all we have to work with for the time being! After all, we've only been doing this weekly news update for quite some time now. Anything you find on Pornify is yours to read, share, or make. Keep yourselves safe till next Monday, when we'll get together again.

Remember, Pornify is more than just an AI Image Generation, Video Generation and AI girlfriend technologies - it's a platform designed to empower and support individuals. We're here to revolutionize the way we approach sexuality and everyday human desires. Stay connected, stay informed, and be part of the Pornify community.

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